
  • $85.00
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Choose Your Product Options:
Skin Color
Head Type
You can use the soft head for oral sex, and it has a 13cm oral passage. However, the makeup of the soft head is not very durable. Eyebrow and hair transplants are only suitable for hard heads. The eyebrows of the soft head are painted on
Hair Transplant
Eyes Color
ROS (Only available for Soft Head)
The simulated mouth includes movable jaws, tongues, teeth, and oral passages, only suitable for S1, S17, S18, S20, S26, S29, S37, S40 heads
Robot Options
Auto Blowjob' and 'Electric Hip and Waist' can only be added to 158cm, 160cm, 163cm, 164cm & 168cm bodies at the same time.
Oral Sex Function (Only available for ROS Head)
Oral Sex Function only applies to ROS headers:S1, S17, S18, S20, S26, S29, S37, S40. Select the lOral Sex Movement, and Electric Hip and Waist] functions at thesame time, adding an extra 15 kg. lf you have any questions about these functionsplease consult us before placing an order to avoid refund losses.
Auto Vagina Clamping and Sucking
Auto Vagina Clamping and Sucking is only available for the fixed vagina. Some heights of silicone dolls cannot do this function (148cm, 166cm minus, 166cm, 162cm).
Breast Type (Limited Time Free)
Areola Color
Areola Size
Vagina Type
Pubic Hair
Toe Nail Color
Articulated Fingers (Limited Time Free)
Hard Silicone Hand
Vagina Texture
Labia Color
Gel Butt (Limited Time Free)
The gel-filled buttocks are more delicate, and if any harm occurs during transportation, the factory will not offer any post-sale services. The Gel Butt option are not available for 148cm and 161cm bodies.
Standing Feature (Limited Time Free)
EVO Skeleton (Limited Time Free)
Nail Color
Ultra Soft Body(Limited Time Free)
Realistic Body Painting (Limited Time Free)
Bikini Makeup
Implanted Brows + Lashes (Limited Time Free)
Eyebrow and hair transplants are only suitable for hard heads. The eyebrows of the soft head are painted on
Nipple Piercings
Belly Piercing
Silicone Penis Adaptor
Push-Fit adaptor
Sway Pivot Adaptor
Extra Insert
Hanging Hook
2nd Head (Limited Time Free)
Head (Extra Head)
Wigs (Extra Head)
ROS (Only available for Soft Head) (Extra Head)
The simulated mouth includes movable jaws, tongues, teeth, and oral passages, only suitable for S1, S17, S18, S20, S26, S29, S37, S40 heads
Oral Sex Function (Only available for ROS Head) (Extra Head)
Oral Sex Function only applies to ROS headers:S1, S17, S18, S20, S26, S29, S37, S40. Select the lOral Sex Movement, and Electric Hip and Waist] functions at thesame time, adding an extra 15 kg. lf you have any questions about these functionsplease consult us before placing an order to avoid refund losses.
Implanted Brows + Lashes (Extra Head)
Eyebrow and hair transplants are only suitable for hard heads. The eyebrows of the soft head are painted on
Head Type (Extra Head)
You can use the soft head for oral sex, and it has a 13cm oral passage. However, the makeup of the soft head is not very durable. Eyebrow and hair transplants are only suitable for hard heads. The eyebrows of the soft head are painted on
Eyes Color (Extra Head)
Hair Transplant (Extra Head)
Accessories included (Default Configuration‚ No Need to Select)
Accessories vary depending on the manufacturer. However, most commonly included items are as follows. At times, you may receive different, fewer, or more complimentary items. We are not liable for the included accessories, and we appreciate your understanding.
Storage Case
After you order an Storage Case, your doll will be placed inside it and shipped to you together. If it exceeds the transportation weight limit of the shipping company, we may split the shipment, but we will consult with you in advance

  • 香港製造
  • 20片/盒,獨立包裝
  • 細碼/加細碼一盒包含兩款圖案(兩種恐龍圖案),每款10片
  • 於無塵車間(ISO 8級別)生產的三層一次性掛耳式口罩
  • 外層:高密度不織布阻水層防止飛沫進入
  • 中層:聚丙烯熔噴過濾層過濾微塵及細菌
  • 內層: 吸濕層 吸收濕氣及液體
  • 歐盟EN14683:2019 + AC:2019 Type IIR
  • ASTM F2100-19 Level 2
  • 細菌過濾率≥ 98%
  • 微粒子過濾率≥ 98%
  • 病毒飛沫  ≥ 98%
      • 細碼產品大小:16w x 12.2h cm
      • 加細產品大小:13.5w x 10.5 cm

GB/T 16886.5-2017
醫療器械生物學評價 第5部份:體外細胞毒性試驗
GB/T 16886.10-2017
醫療器械生物學評價 第10部份:刺激與皮膚致敏試驗


- 因實際情況所限,與門市銷售價格、促銷活動、條件與限制有機會各為不同,一切條款只適用於便利妥。
- 商品顏色和實物受拍攝燈光等因素影響或會與圖片略有不同,一切以實物為準。
- 如有任何爭議, 便利妥保留最終決定權。

  • Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)
  • US Dollar (USD)
  • Euro (EUR)
  • British Pound (GBP)
  • New Taiwan Dollar (TWD)